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A collection of 1487 posts
Geospatial Anomaly Detection (Terra-Locus Anomalia Machina) Part 3: 3D Geohashes (and Drones)
Massively Scalable Geospatial Anomaly Detection with Apache Kafka and Cassandra In this blog we discover that we’ve been trapped in Flatland, and encounter a Dimension of the Third Kind. We introduce ...
Geospatial Anomaly Detection (Terra-Locus Anomalia Machina) Part 2: Geohashes (2D)
Massively Scalable Geospatial Anomaly Detection with Apache Kafka and Cassandra In this blog, we continue exploring how to build a scalable Geospatial Anomaly Detector. In the previous blog, we introd...
Geospatial Anomaly Detection: Part 1—Massively Scalable Geospatial Anomaly Detection With Apache Kafka® and Apache Cassandra®
Recently we announced that we had reached the end of the Anomalia Machina Blog series, but like Star Trek, the universe just keeps on expanding with endless new versions (> 726 Star Trek episodes and ...
GitHub - instaclustr/cassandra-lucene-index: Lucene based secondary indexes for Cassandra
{{ message }} / cassandra-lucene-index Publicforked fromStratio/cassandra-lucene-indexNotifications Fork 158 Star 23 Lucene based secondary indexes for CassandraLicense Apache-2.0 license 23 star...
Stratio’s Lucene-based index for Cassandra, now a plugin - Stratio Blog
Thanks to the changes proposed at CASSANDRA-8717, CASSANDRA-7575 and CASSANDRA-6480, Stratio is glad to present its Lucene-based implementation of Cassandra secondary indexes as a plugin that can be a...
Setting Up a Cassandra Cluster With SSL - DZone Cloud
This is part 2 of a Cassandra Cluster Tutorial series. Part 1 used Vagrant to setup a local Cassandra Cluster and installs Cassandra on boxes. Part 2 installs Cassandra Database SSL support and confi...
Cassandra Lunch #103 - Architecture of Cassandra Data Processing - Business Platform Team
In Cassandra Lunch #103, we discuss the UML Architecture of a Cassandra Cluster and discuss the Azure Ecosystem’s new tool the Digital Twin Explorer. You can download the files used in the Digital Twi...
DataStax Bulk Loader Pt. 1 — Introduction and Loading | Datastax
The DataStax Bulk Loader, dsbulk, is a new bulk loading utility introduced in DSE 6 (To download the DataStax Bulk Loader click here). It solves the task of efficiently loading data into DataStax Ent...